Queering oral history : reflections on the origins of the twin cites GLBT oral history project / Jason Ruiz
Calculating risk : history of medicine, transgender oral history, and the institutional review board / Michael David Franklin
Sexuality in the headlines : intimate upheavals as histories of the twin cities / Ryan Patrick Murphy and Alex T. Urquhart
The myth of the great white north : claiming queer people of color histories in the twin cities (a roundtable discussion) / Charlotte Karem Albrecht, Brandon Lacy Campos, and Jessica Giusti
A single queer voice with polyphonic overtones : Elise Matthesen and the politics of subjectivity in the twin cities / Mark Soderstrom
Two-spirits organizing : indigenous two-spirit identity in the twin cities region / Megan L. MacDonald
Skirting boundaries : queer bar cultures in the postwar twin cities / Amy M. Tyson
Sex and the cities : reevaluating 1980s feminist politics in Minneapolis and St. Paul / Pamela Butler
The gay land rush : race, gender, and sexuality in the life of post-welfare Mineapolis / Ryan Patrick Murphy
Private cures for a public epidemic : targeting HIV and AIDS medications in the twin cities / Alex T. Urquhart and Susan Craddock
Gay was good : progress, homonormativity, and oral history / Kevin P. Murphy.